Brief Encounters: Short Plays for Beginning Theatre Artists by Darren V. Michael
210 pages, $19.95 list
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Brief Encounters
Short Plays for Beginning Theatre Artists
Many introductory books in theatre offer theory and exercises. Brief Encounters provides students with a frequently missing element — scripts that allow them to transform those concepts into performances. Darren Michael has written twenty-two short plays designed specifically for students and instructors in undergraduate acting and directing classes. Each play involves only two actors and minimal technical elements, all with running times under fifteen minutes. Most can be cast very flexibly to accommodate a wide range of students. For each play, the author has included specific challenges that actors will hone their skills on, as well as questions for readers to reflect on while preparing their performances.
Table of Contents
1 + 1 = 2
Willie Nelson Ain't Dead
In a Tree
A Widow Safe and Secure
Steve Guttenberg Blue

Out of This World
Do I Suffer When I Think About It?
The Romantic Sway of Near-Earth Objects
Voice Activated
Imaginary Conversations with My Daughter

Agnes in Summer
Finally the Day Came When We Had So Little to Say
Lyla Builds a Spaceship

Stuffed Animals
Holly and Jesus
Big Head
The Trapeze
Petunia Pulls Her Punch

There Are No Words For This